
The Top 5 Reasons Why Recruiters Don’t Get Back to You

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Written by Seun Oyediran

The Top 5 Reasons Why Recruiters Don’t Get Back to You

“Thank you for coming for the interview. We will get back to you shortly.” Has a recruiter ever told you this without ever getting back to you? I guess you may be wondering why recruiters don’t get back to you when you apply for jobs or after an interview. Could there be something wrong with your application process?

Times without number, many job seekers have submitted applications that seem to be perfectly crafted. Some have even gone on to attend interviews that seemed to go well. But in most cases, many don’t hear from the recruiters. Ever again. And there’s more bad news. With the number of job seekers on the increase, you’re more likely not to hear a thing from job recruiters. 

Why do job recruiters get back to some people and neglect others? I’ll like not only to show you WHY but also to tell you HOW you can increase the chances of recruiters getting back to you! 

Why Don’t Recruiters Get Back to You?

Would you like to know the top 5 reasons why recruiters don’t get back to you? Read on as I divulge some of the most-held secrets of top recruiters and let you know what to do to have them reaching out to you!

Divulging the Secret: Top 5 Reasons Why Recruiters Don’t Get Back to You

I know how it feels to send out application after application without receiving a call or reply from the recruiters in an organization. I also know how it feels to have a seemingly successful interview without landing your desired job. When recruiters don’t get back to you, it is time to start wondering what went wrong with your application. Why didn’t the recruiters get back to you?

Some believe that recruiters don’t get back to people because they are busy with the process and are trying to solidify the details. Well, more often than not, the reason the recruiters don’t get back to you is that the job has been awarded to someone else, and you’ve been ghosted. Yes, I know that’s a difficult pill to swallow. You may need to take a glass of water. 

What can you do even before an interview to get that job you so much desire or at least retain a fighting chance? Let me show you how you can become indispensable on the list of recruits and increase your appeal to your prospective employer. Kindly stick with me to find out? 

  1. Poorly Stated Qualifications

To a recruiter, there are two categories of applicants: the qualified and the unqualified. In a normal world, the qualified should get the job while the unqualified shouldn’t, right? However, the world is a place where funny things happen. The unqualified may get a job, while the qualified may apply for that same job and not get it. The secret is in the way you, as a job applicant, can show how qualified you are for a job. 

So how can you convince your employer that you’re qualified for a job? The answer is simple: LET YOUR CV SHINE! Of course, your Curriculum Vitae is the first thing that represents you before a recruiter. You can either get ghosted at this stage or pique the interest of recruiters and make them want to meet you.

Your CV is your sales pitch and helps recruiters to form an opinion of you. Make your CV stand out by clearly highlighting your skills, qualification, and potentials. Don’t ever get tempted to write a casual CV. It will never get you anywhere! You may have to seek professional help in preparing your CV. Get it! Sell yourself and make the recruiters want to talk to you!

  1. Shoddy Demeanor

Congratulations! Your CV caught the eye of your prospective employer, and the recruiters are eager to meet you. They have invited you to come and interview with them. But who would they see? A shabby, disinterested applicant or a smart, enthusiastic one? When you come for an interview, endeavor to look as smart as is humanly possible. But don’t overdo it. 

Wear a smile and look as confident as you can. It would help if you tried to look calm and collected, disregarding any internal struggles or doubts. Don’t act as if you’ve got the troubles of the world on your shoulders, thinking you’ll get some pity. It hardly ever works. And again, I advise you to wear a smile, except the interview is for a position in the army. 

  1. Poor Communication Skills

Communication! Communication!! Communication!!! This is where most people flop. Communication innervates the entire application process. How well you communicate, starting with your CV can make a tremendous difference. I’ve been on both sides of an interview – as a job seeker and as a recruiter. The inability of job applicants to communicate their views or ideas about a subject matter has cost them more than they would wish to know. 

Don’t forget to hone on your communication skills – both verbal and nonverbal. Don’t fidget, and when asked questions, answer as clearly and confidently as you can. If you don’t have the answers to a question, answer truthfully that you don’t but that you’ll find out more about it. Poor communication remains one of the top reasons why recruiters don’t get back to job applicants!

  1. Lack of Follow-up

Many people feel that trying to follow up with a recruiter after an interview is a sign of being desperate. Well, of course, you’re desperate, and a few calls won’t hurt. The rule is not to sound or look too desperate. Try as much as possible to remain calm and positive after an interview. This can only be possible if you’ve done all other things right. 

Sometimes, recruiters are genuinely busy and have a lot of sifting to do. Reach out to them with an email consisting of three things – who you are, what position you applied for, and a well-crafted question of how long it will take for the decision making. If your email goes unanswered, you can call them not more than two times, after which you can drop a voicemail. For all you know, they may be expecting you to take the initiative and reach out to them.

  1. Lack of Experience

Another reason why recruiters don’t get back to job applicants is the lack of experience. Always seek some experience and expertise in areas related to your career. Learn new things, take new courses, visit new places, volunteer for new jobs, etc. This goes a long way in tipping the decision scale in your favor.

Final Thoughts

The fact that you did not hear from a recruiter may mean you’re missing out on something. Do you have what it takes to get your application noticed and the acceptance calls rushing in? Or will you rather keep doing something wrong that prevents them from getting back to you? The choice is yours to make.

No matter how bad things seem to be, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We are ready to be the light that shines on your path and lead you to your desired job! Let us help you!

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