
The Unique Path to Getting Your First Graduate Job

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Written by Seun Oyediran

The Unique Path to Getting Your First Graduate Job After University

The major problem faced by students lies in the issue of employment after graduation. This can be a scary moment, and the rush to get it right in the first couple of years can be tremendous. Many people spend the major part of graduation job hunting and fitting into a specific role in society. For the past years, unemployment rates have gone high and the availability of jobs is on the decline. A lot of people have now traversed into entrepreneurial dalliances just to make ends meet. However, the issue is that the influx of graduates into the labor market is making it a very competitive field, thereby leaving most applicants distressed and frustrated. 

Now, how then do you secure your first graduate job after University? What are the ropes to learn and the steps to take to secure a graduate job? These and many more are the questions on the mind of millions of yearly graduates. In this article, we would look at tips and steps you can take to secure an entry level job immediately after University. 

Present Yourself Professionally On Social Media 

For most graduates who intend to secure a job after graduation, creating a presence on the social media sphere can be very important. This helps you have a profile that can be attributed to you in the case of a job hunt. Most organizations now look into the profiles of their aspiring employees, to ascertain their social skills and professional outlook. Now, this doesn’t mean you should always post a picture of you dressing professionally, or that you should always write about jobs online. However, you should structure yourself to look more respectful and trustworthy, which will further make you more employable. These little pointers are what HR teams pay attention to, and it can be a deciding factor for a company willing to hire you.

As a  matter of fact, research was conducted recently on Forbes, and questions were asked about how frequently people use social media sites to seek jobs. Out of 100 percent, about 48 percent said they were active on a daily basis, while 19 said they do come twice or thrice in a week to check updates. 22 percent use it thrice in a month while only 11 percent said they never used it. This proves that Social media are now very important to every job-seeking graduate.

 Visit Job Sites Occasionally With Your CV

Everyone believes job sites are only for people searching for jobs, but there is more to job sites as organizations and companies alike also use them to search for potential candidates. If you put it as a responsibility to always upload your CV on various websites, a future employer could take note of your CV and shortlist it as one of the suitable candidates for the job. According to Topresume, the little time used to upload the CV is worth it, and you should always prioritize uploading them on job sites.

Contact Agencies That Specialize In Graduate Recruitment 

Sometimes, you might not have enough information on jobs that employ graduates. In such circumstances, contacting recruitment agencies can help keep you updated on the latest availability, and some even help their client with applications. There are thousands of agencies that specialize in the recruitment process all over the world, and many of them, according to  Graduatejobs, emphasize on graduate jobs. You just have to pay a commission to them, and you already have them on your side. They will work towards getting you a job faster than you’ll ever think of. 

Create Applications Suitable For Each Role You’ll Apply For 

Every job has its role and post, and every position has its function. That is the reason some jobs will require a specific CV as the demands are different from other jobs. Some people find it hard to get jobs because they send the same CV to every job they hear about, regardless of the specifications of such employment. Ensure that you are truthful about your ability and interest, as well as your working experience while including the skills you possess that match with the skills demanded by the employers. If there is false information, most employers would be able to tell at a glance through the CV. Therefore, you must target quality and not quantity when you are applying for jobs. If you’re applying for a lot of jobs, then make sure each CV is twisted to suit the style of the work. 

Your CV is relevant because it is not limited to giving potential employers all information about you. It will also inform them of the reason you are the best option for the job posted by the organization. Simply put, the trick behind getting called for interviews is your CV, so make them in the best way. 

Seek Connections The Way You Seek For Job Opportunities 

In most places, employing staff is no longer limited to your brain and ability, but your connection. This might look unfair, but that’s the surest way to secure a graduate job. This is because most opportunities receive a lot of CVs and application letters throughout the year.  If there’s an acquaintance of you working where your dream job is, ask him to recommend you to the organization or ask them to link you up with people that can help you. According to Themuse, organizations these days now give bonuses to employees that refer people to fill a specific position for them to recruit, meaning you can allow the acquaintance to make money by referring you. 

For those that have no connections whatsoever, and are worried about the way it could lower their chances, there are a lot of ways to build up new contacts and connections. Research a little about the organization you want to work for and search for their top officials on LinkedIn. Reach out to them through messages, or introduce yourself through email messages and investigate the vacancy. By doing that, you can build up contact with people that can help you secure your graduate Job quickly. 

Re-brand Yourself and Be More Employable 

This might sound very annoying and difficult to act on, but it is realizable. With a lot of students graduating every year and flooding into the employment streams, with some even having high grades to accompany their application letter, it is essential to cast your degree aside and make sure you stand out. According to Recruiter, you can do that by rendering voluntary services, amassing work experience, and getting online qualifications that will complement your career, which will speak positively about you to organizations and employers at large.

You can start your blog and website, which will present you as a great idealist that can improvise on situations, which will not only improve your confidence but will convince the organization that you’ll be able to adapt to any circumstance. Personally, the blog could also earn you some money. 

Make A Research On The Organization Before Sending your CV

Most employers and organizations tend to be pleased with job seekers who have researched their organization before applying for jobs. This shows you have a genuine interest in the job, and this will help you at both the early stage and interview stage of your application. According to Glassdoor, if you do enough research about the job, functions, and roles, it will be a little bit easier to form your cover letter, and this will make it stand out from other cover letters that will be submitted for the vacancy. 

Have Confidence In Your Ability To Land The Job 

Sometimes, the jobs seem too small and hard to find, while sometimes the opportunities are just unlimited. However, you should not desperately apply for a job you have no interest in, as this will make you unemployed as fast as it landed you a job. In Idealist latest research, you spend a large of your life at work, which is why you should apply for the job that you’ll enjoy doing and be confident in landing such jobs. 

Even though graduate jobs are hard to find, if you follow the tips and use them to improve yourself, you’ll be able to catch the attention of the organization and employers of the job you are applying for.

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